Why Me?

“In more fluid social networks we cannot always rely on our distress being noticed. We have to spell out our problems if we are to be helped.”

(Tom Burns)

I am an integrative counsellor and, as such, I aim to offer a counselling process and strategies based on your needs, rather than limit my approach to one particular theoretical approach, as other counsellors may do.

The success or failure of any counselling depends on the building of a good therapeutic alliance with a client. The counselling I offer is focussed on achieving greater levels of self-acceptance and working towards personal growth - the setting of mutually agreed goals can be a feature of such growth.

Dealing with unhappiness, frustration or stress has to involve the element of change - if change in your circumstances is difficult or not possible, a change in how you accommodate or deal with those circumstances is always possible. Exploring your experiences, positive and negative, is an essential part of developing the use of your own resources and capacity to effect positive change.

Of course, ultimately, it would be your willingness and courage to take decisions and steps that could lead to positive change in your life but my role as counsellor is to provide support, encouragement and perhaps a degree of guidance (where appropriate) to facilitate this process.

I do believe that even small but consistent changes can make a remarkable difference over time. It’s now established beyond question that counselling can change lives and I’d like to help you change yours for the better.

©2022 Rory Mescall

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Brabyns Park Iron Bridge image is courtesy of Grace's Guide and is shared in its original format

under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.